Professional Development


This page is for current CLEC AmeriCorps members looking for professional development opportunities.

The content below has four sections that members can navigate to help narrow their search for events and resources:

1) Monthly Opportunities

2) Resources by Focus Area

3) Resources by Topic

4) Calendar of Events

We will continue to update these pages regularly. If you hear of any events that we should share with other members, please contact us!

AmeriCorps Members may spend up to 20% of their term of service fulfilling hours related to professional development.

Professional development hours must be approved by the site supervisor in advance and may not interfere with the member's ability to complete direct service. 

  • All training provided by Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good and AmeriCorps count towards Direct Service on the member timesheet. 

  • Classes a member may be taking as part of an academic program for credit cannot count as member direct service or professional development.

If you have questions about professional development, please reach out to the CLEC AmeriCorps Member Engagement and Leadership Development Coordinator: Arielle Knowles -


Monthly Professional Development Opportunities

Please click on the appropriate tab to view upcoming and previous professional development opportunities that are summarized into a PDF and organized by focus area. We will update these monthly!

Resources by Focus Area

These mostly self-paced resources are directly related to the CLEC AmeriCorps focus areas and include a range of videos, podcasts, and more to aid learning and professional development. They are open to all members regardless of their position’s focus area.

Resources by Topic

These resources are self-paced and organized by topic and include a range of articles, videos, podcasts, and more to aid learning and professional development.

Upcoming Events

CLEC Calendar

Check the CLEC Calendar of Key Dates regularly for updates on upcoming events for members.