Important Forms for CLEC AmeriCorps
Members & Site Staff
Member Program Checklist
To help members stay on track for completing their service in full compliance to receive their Education Award.
Member Service Agreement
The contract between members, site staff and supervisors, and Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good for the duration of a member’s service term.
Photo/Media Release Form
Required for all photo and media submissions for anyone who is not a CLEC AmeriCorps member.
Incident Report Form
Please complete for any incidents concerning member safety or well-being, including near misses, property damage, harassment, or other incidents of concern that may require follow-up with WACC staff. If confidentiality is needed, please contact Lainie Juhl .
Teleservice Agreement
Required for any member serving remotely from their host site. Members must also read and adhere to the Teleservice Policy. The Agreement linked here is for informational purposes only. New Teleservice Agreements will be sent via Adobe Sign during the enrollment process.
Member Performance Evaluation
This form is used at the mid-point (stipend members only) and end of a member’s service term to document and acknowledge a member’s performance.
Education Award Fact Sheet
A fact sheet about the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award that reviews how and when the award may be used.
Service Site Poster
Display in a prominent location during service to show support for members and promote the program.