Professional Development
Current Opportunities
A PDF version of state-wide events available here. These are facilitated by WACC, and feature unique topics with engaging speakers!
More opportunities are available in a PDF, located at the bottom of each month’s drop-down tab.
Welcome to AmeriCorps
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024: 3:30-5pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
Welcome aboard! AmeriCorps service is different from anything you have done before. In this workshop you will learn more about the history of AmeriCorps, the expectations of all AmeriCorps members, and a few key tips to ensure that you have a successful term of service.
September 2024 Professional Development PDF
Here is a collection of professional development events offered during the month of September in all focus areas.
Creating Connections & a Community of Practice
Thursday, October 17th, 2024: 5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
A Community of Practice is a group of people who share a common concern or a set of problems who come together to fulfill group and individual goals. Come connect with other AmeriCorps members and fellows across the state and experience a design clinic to brainstorm problem-solving as a group! This session is a great opportunity to establish a community of support as our program year kicks off.
October 2024 Professional Development PDF
Here is a collection of professional development events offered during the month of October in all focus areas.
Understanding Emotional Intelligence & Equity
Tuesday, November 12th, 2024: 5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
What is emotional intelligence? Why is it important and how does it overlap with equity work? How can it help you navigate your service project and in the future? Learn how emotional intelligence is vital to successful equitable workspaces and projects.
November 12th Workshop Recording
FALL SYMPOSIUM: Cultivating Inclusive Communities
Thursday, November 21st, 2024: 5-7pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
Join our first symposium to reflect on what it means to be inclusive in your service, and how to foster mutual respect and trust to establish a strong foundation for community bonds. After hearing from several speakers about their experiences cultivating inclusive communities, we will discuss barriers to inclusivity and potential solutions in small groups. There will be time for sharing out and Q & A.
Speakers: Dr. Sislena Ledbetter, Laural Ballew, and Amy Salinas Westmoreland
Fall Symposium Workshop Recording
Validate, Appreciate, Refer: Mental Health Workshop
Monday, November 25th, 2024: 5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
This presentation led by Cody Mears (Certified Peer Counselor, St. Martin's University student and CLEC AmeriCorps alumni) is centered around how to have a conversation with someone who is struggling — with anything from academics to physical or mental health. The acronym VAR (validate, appreciate, refer) is a guide to help individuals feel more comfortable engaging in these difficult conversations. This workshop aims to provide guidance on how to be more effective, sensitive, and trauma-informed in our interactions with others who are having a hard time. All are welcome!
November 25th Workshop Recording
November 2024 Professional Development PDF
Here is a collection of professional development events offered during the month of November in all focus areas.
Collaborating Across Disciplines to Solve Community Problems
Thursday, December 5th, 2024: 5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
Do you want to solve community problems, but worry that you don’t have all the expertise you need to get your ideas off the ground? Now more than ever, solving urgent community problems requires working across academic and professional disciplines. This session will explore some examples of cross-disciplinary collaboration, what some challenges might be, and the benefits of pursuing an interdisciplinary approach.
December 5th Workshop Recording
December 2024 Professional Development PDF
Here is a collection of professional development events offered during the month of December in all focus areas.
How to Start a Grassroots Organization
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025: 5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
What is a grassroots organization and what does it take to start one? Learn how to inspire collective action from the local level to implement concrete change in your community. This session will dive into what it takes to set up a grassroots organization from a legal standpoint, how to secure funding, how to garner community support, and more.
Workshop: How to Promote Community Needs with Elected Officials
Thursday, February 6th,5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
There are many different steps we can take to create change in our communities. One is to become civically engaged – without holding office! We will explore how to reach out to your elected officials and learn tips for how you can effectively champion your community’s needs.
Note for AmeriCorps Members: This session is not about attempting to influence legislation or engaging in partisan political activities. See the Prohibited Activities section in your Member Service Agreement for more information.
February 6th Workshop Recording
WINTER SYMPOSIUM: Advocating for Change - Social Justice in Action
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025: 10am-12pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
This symposium will feature influential speakers and their personal experiences confronting social injustices in their communities. We will learn what it takes to push through adversity and make real-world differences. This session will inspire and empower you to recognize the power you hold in your personal and professional networks, education, and lived experiences, all of which contribute to your ability to create lasting change.
Learn Harm Reduction Methodology and Mental Health Support
Wednesday, March 10th, 2025: 5-6pm PDT// REGISTER HERE
This is an evidence-based presentation regarding harm reduction in terms of psychoactive substance use and misuse. We will also engage in a brief presentation about mental health and how to connect, validate, show appreciation for, and refer someone who is struggling with either mental health and/or challenges related to Substance Use Disorder. This will be done through the utilization of an evidence-based, trauma, and culturally informed lens. This knowledge will be applied through engaging in roleplaying exercises and other activities as a way to help us feel comfortable utilizing these skills in our own lives.
Prior knowledge of the topic or attendance in the last workshop "Validate, Appreciate, Refer: How to Have a Conversation with Someone who is Struggling" is not necessary to attend. Participants should come prepared to engage with the content as they are able, because we will be engaging in exercises that include roleplaying and painting a collective picture of what validate, appreciate, and refer means.
Networking - More Than LinkedIn
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025: 5-6pm PDT// REGISTER HERE
Want to learn how to make connections in your field but don’t know where to start? This interactive workshop aims to help prepare AmeriCorps members and Student Civic Fellows for the Continuums of Service Conference later this month, or whatever networking opportunities come your way. We will practice networking skills and tactics to help you connect with the contacts you want – and the ones you didn’t know you needed!
Wednesday–Friday, March 26th-28th, 2025, Seattle University // REGISTER HERE
Join us for the 2025 Continuums of Service Conference! The theme of this IN-PERSON regional event is “Higher Education: Honoring our Connections to Place and Indigenous Communities.” In this gathering, we will seek to explore ways that higher education honors place and Indigenous history, builds partnerships, values diverse knowledge, and creates more welcoming environments for Indigenous and other diverse students, faculty, and staff. Space is limited. Financial assistance will be available to WACC-member campuses to support student or AmeriCorps member attendance. Application for financial assistance will be available in November.
How to Stay Passionate Without Wearing Yourself Out - The Essence of Project Management
Thursday, April 17th, 2025: 5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
Feeling stressed and burned out, but still feeling the pull to serve your community? In this workshop, we will break down the basics of sustainably planning projects, staying within time and budget constraints, maintaining self-care, and how to scale up your projects – when you have capacity.
Communicating for the Public Good - Making the Case for Social Change
Tuesday, May 20th, 2025: 5-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
What’s your elevator pitch about your service project and the issues that most concern you? Can you concisely explain to someone what you’re working on and why you’re so passionate about it? Effective communication doesn’t have to be complicated! This session aims to demystify how to communicate complex information and build support for the issues you care about. It will also help prepare members to present at the Student Success Panel at the end of May. Please plan to attend if you would like to present on your service project.
SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Student Success Panel
Thursday, May 29th, 2025: 4-6pm PDT // REGISTER HERE
Come celebrate your success and present your service project to our AmeriCorps and Student Civic Fellows community! Our final symposium will feature student presentations to share the incredible service that has been completed over the past year and offers AmeriCorps members and fellows an opportunity to practice their public speaking skills in a supportive space. We will select a panel of students or members to present, so please contact us if you are interested. All community members are invited!
AmeriCorps Basics
AmeriCorps members may spend up to 20% of their term of service fulfilling hours related to professional development.
Professional development hours must be approved by the site supervisor in advance and may not interfere with the member's ability to complete direct service.
Members may not receive compensation for completing professional development.
Getting Started
Click on each tab to view past professional development opportunities.
Hosted by Our Team Leader
Creating Your Own Professional Development Plan - Template/Slide Deck
Applying to Grad School - Slide Deck
Financial Literacy Workshop - Slide Deck
Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing - Slide Deck
Giving and Receiving Feedback - Slide Deck
How to Overcome Procrastination with Effective Time Management - Slide Deck
Workshops from Do Good, Be Good (Sponsored by America Learns)
Welcome to AmeriCorps! - Resource Sheet
Making a Great First Impression - Resource Sheet
Breaking Up with Burnout - Resource Sheet
How I Used My Education Award - Resource Sheet
Figuring Out Your Next Steps - Life After AmeriCorps - Resource Sheet
Resources by Focus Area
These resources are directly related to WACC focus areas and include a range of videos, podcasts, and more to aid learning. They are open to all regardless of their project’s focus area.
Upcoming Webinars (sign up for free on-demand)
Webinars from EducationWeek (both upcoming and on-demand)
Webinars from ASCD (on-demand)
Webinars from Scholastic (on-demand)
Housing & Food Security
Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) YouTube Channel
Resources from Northwest Harvest
eCPR Certification (free CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid training w/o certificate)
CPR and First Aid (free CPR and Basic First Aid training w/o certificate)
Webinars from the American Public Health Association (on-demand and upcoming)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
In Solidarity (podcast)
In the Open (podcast)
Webinars from Mindspring Mental Health Alliance (upcoming only)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Webinars from Collaborative for Health & Environment (CHE) (on-demand and upcoming)
Wilderness First Aid Course (free w/o certificate)
Thurston County Work Party Events
Washington Trail Association Work Parties
Resources by Topic
These resources are self-paced and organized by topic and include a range of articles, videos, podcasts, and more!
Breaking Up with Burnout - Resource Sheet
Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing - Slide Deck (workshop led by Arielle Knowles)
Free Online Mindfulness Courses
Job Burnout: How to Spot it and Take Action (Website)
Your Body Knows You’re Burned Out (Article)
Burnout Recovery: 11 Strategies to Help you Reset (Article)
The Cure for Burnout (Hint: It Isn’t Self-Care) (TedTalk)
Mental Health Resources to Help Prevent Creative and Professional Burnout (Article)
Cover Letters
How and Why to Write a Great Cover Letter (Article)
Cover Letter Examples (Article)
12 AI Cover Letter Generators to Simplify Your Job Application Process
How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume: Simple, Fast, Effective (Article and Video)
Resume Worded (AI Resume Rater)
Free Resume Builder (Project)
What is a Work Portfolio? Plus How to Build One (Article and Video)
14 Fantastic Professional Portfolio Examples (Article)
The 16 Best Free Portfolio Websites for Creating an Impressive Digital Portfolio (Project)
Financial Literacy (Khan Academy course)
The Best Budget Apps for 2024 (article)
Money Geek (website)
Setting a SMART Savings Goal (worksheet)
Washington State Department of Financial Institutions
Giving and Receiving Feedback - Slide Deck (workshop led by Arielle Knowles)
Giving and Receiving Feedback (LinkedIn Course w/ free certificate)
The Importance of Feedback (Article)
How to Use Feedback Using This 4-Step Framework (Article)
The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback (How-To Book PDF)
Giving Feedback—Exercise for Improved Feedback Skills (Exercise)
How to write SMART goals (Article)
Examples of SMART GOALS (Article)
SMART goal worksheet (Worksheet)
What are Professional Development Goals? 10 examples and how to set them (Article)
A Complete Guide to Goal Setting (Video)
The Science of Setting and Achieving Goals (Podcast)
Goal Setting: The Ultimate Guide to Set, Plan, and Achieve Your Goals (Online Course)
Should You Go to Graduate School? (Article)
On the Art of Selecting a Graduate Program (Article)
Applying to Grad School: Your Step-By-Step Guide (Article)
6 Tips on How to Write a Graduate School Personal Statement (Article and Video)
Graduate and Professional School Application Workshop (Recorded Workshop/Video)
How to use ChatGPT to Prepare for a Job Interview (Article)
19 Common Interview Questions and Answers (Article and Video)
The STAR Method: The Secret to Acing Your Next Job Interview (Article)
Questions to ask at the End of an Interview (Video)
How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview (With Samples!)(Article)
What Is Leadership? (Article)
Leadership vs Management: Understanding The Key Difference (Article)
How to Improve Your Leadership Skills (Article)
Free Online Leadership & Management Courses
19 Inspiring Leadership TED Talks for Teachers and Students (Videos)
10 Best Leadership Podcasts That You Should Look Out For! (Podcasts)
The Golden Rules of Presentation Design (Article)
How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked (Article)
6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use) (Article)
Best Free Presentation Software and Alternative to PowerPoint (Project)
Public Speaking
How to Confidently Speak in Public: 10 Speaking Tips (Article)
Better Public Speaking (Article)
How to Build a Speech (Article)
Support Networks:
Support Networks - Slide Deck (workshop led by CLEC Team Leader Arielle Knowles)
Mentoring Club (Website): This website connects you with mentors and mentees and offers podcast episodes and blog posts on the mentor-mentee relationship
7 Ways to Build the Ultimate Support Network (Article)
The Right Mentor Can Change Your Career. Here’s How to Find One (Podcast and Article)
24 Reasons Why Mentorship is Important for Mentee and Mentor (Article)
How to Be a Great Peer Mentor (Article/Website)
Coworker.org (website)
The Power of Meaningful Networking (TedTalk)
Learn to Love Networking (Website)
Network Email Templates (Website)
Networking Worksheet (Website)
10 Tips to Help You Build a Network (Video and Article)
18 Best TED Talks for Team Building (Ted Talks)
What Is Teamwork and Why Does It Matter? (Article)
Guide to Group Work (Interactive Article)
Time Management
Overcome Procrastination with Effective Time Management - Slide Deck (workshop led by Arielle Knowles)
What is Time Management? (Article)
How to Gain Control of your Free Time (Ted Talk)
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal and Professional Productivity (Free Course)
Time Management Worksheet (Worksheet)
Project Management
ClickUp (Free Project Management Tool)
What is Project Management? (Article)
Project Management: What It Is, 3 Types, and Examples (Article)
The Importance of Project Management for Organizations (Article)
Project Management Basics (Article)
Click here to access a collection of resources to help you write a land acknowledgement.
Upcoming Events
CLEC Calendar
Check the CLEC Calendar of Key Dates regularly for updates on upcoming events for members.
Contact Emma Magnuson, AmeriCorps Member Engagement Coordinator: magnuse3@wwu.edu